Portuguese Podcast

Portuguese Podcast de Teach Yourself Portuguese

Teach Yourself Portuguese

If you're learning Brazilian Portuguese and you want to immerse yourself in authentic native speech, this podcast provides comprehensible input for you! Slowing down a language is not all it takes to make it comprehensible, right? Luan Machado has been teaching for 10 years and here he explores different topics in Portuguese so you get the chance to listen to the language and at the same time you get to know more about Brazil. If you like my podcast you can buy me a coffee ☕ https://ko-fi.com/teachyourselfportuguese 🌎 https://discord.gg/fYFvZZpTjv https://www.teachyourselfportuguese.com

Categorias: Educação

Ouvir último episódio:

This is @Jimmy_Broadbent. This wonderful soul has been helping me be a better human since 2018. The coolest and weirdest part is: he doesn't know I exist. How does that work, then? Welcome to the wonderful world of parasocial relationships. If you like my videos you can buy me a coffee ☕ https://ko-fi.com/teachyourselfportuguese (or a cup a tea... I really prefer tea)

Don't forget to join my Discord community: https://discord.gg/fYFvZZpTjv 🌎

Episódios anteriores

  • 16 - 16 - Parasocial Relationships 
    Tue, 01 Aug 2023
  • 15 - 15 - What if learning a language were as fun as playing videogames? 
    Tue, 11 Jul 2023
  • 14 - 14 - Getting paid to have fun? The intriguing world of streaming 
    Thu, 08 Dec 2022
  • 13 - 13 - Does neutral accent exist? 
    Fri, 04 Nov 2022
  • 12 - 12 - Why is learning English difficult in Brazil? 
    Wed, 05 Oct 2022
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